Saturday, September 29, 2012

Jesus Loves The Children

Jesus Loves The Children

Today, we started our day with an inspiring devotion from one of our team members. The devotion was about prayer and allowing the Lord to guide us and be willing to go where He leads us. We split into two groups again and headed off to the Aids home. There I worked with another girl from our group and we did the laundry. It really makes you appreciate the luxury of a washer and dryer back home. I won't ever be able to look at laundry the same again. The worker from the Aids home who taught us their way of doing laundry worked there for 10 years. He is 27 and works harder than most people I know. Not only does he work all day at the Christian Aids home but then has to care for his father once he gets home. You can truly feel the Lord's presence on the grounds of this facility. I am so blessed to be here in India and be able to work with so many Godly people.

After lunch we went to teach the children in the slums. This is my favorite part of the day. To be around these beautiful little girls is beyond words. We taught them the 12 spies who went to Canaan song and they sang us a few songs. My girls read some passages from one of their school books in english. Then they asked me to tell them words out of the text so they can practice spelling them. They are so eager to learn and already so smart! They taught me "Ya Pier Lexi" means my name is Lexi in Tamil. They also taught me "Yun Pier Yenna" which means what is your name and a few other phrases. They have the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen. They all hugged and kissed me and kept asking me to come back tomorrow. As I left the building tonight, a woman in the street grabbed my hand, placed it on her head, and motioned me to pray for her. She did not speak much english. For anyone who is close to me you know I have a strange fear of praying out loud in front of people. This was a huge moment for me because the Lord chose me out of the whole team to pray with this woman, so of course I did. It was such a beautiful moment I will never forget.

The whole team was invited to a home cooked Indian meal by a local family. The food was delicious and the fellowship was incredible! I miss home and my family but I am loving and enjoying India, my team, and the new friends we've made. International Pastor, George Foster said "God never intended for us to be mere recipients of His love; He calls us to share it with others. We are not to be reservoirs, but channels by which His love can reach the world. When He pours out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, He wants us to leak like sieve...the whole point of being blessed is to pass the blessing to others"

Calvary Chapel East Anaheim Volunteers

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