Thursday, September 20, 2012

Human Trafficking Lesson

Today we went through a 2 1/2 detailed lesson on Human Trafficking. It was educational, disturbing and heart breaking all at the same time. It made us realize how much we need to pray for these men and women all over the world who are involved.

Later in the day we sorted the nine suitcases of donations including healthcare products, school supplies and items for girls. Thank you to everyone who donated items. The people here could not believe the amount of things we brought.

Rahab's Rope Volunteers

We were blessed to have an Indian women cook us dinner. She made butter chicken and homemade Indian tortillas. It was terrific!

God has blessed this team with several skills and abilities that we will be using this week at our teaching locations. We are preparing to help at a sewing center and in the slums, teaching English and telling Bible stories.

We really appreciate all your prayers and words of encouragement.


  1. Why is my daughter Lizzy not in the photo with the other volunteers? She is in Goa. Is this some other place?

  2. Yes. This is a different location. I was just with Lizzy and she is doing great! She has found her place working with a great group of children. - Vicki Moore
