Monday, August 8, 2011

Coming Home

Today I am getting ready to come home. At times I wished this moment to come sooner. Now, I don't know why I ever felt this way - (Well, maybe because life is much more convenient in America). Time won't stop even though I want it too. It's a strange thing.

This week was full though. After being sick in bed for three days last week, I am so thankful for this. I was able to share with the women in sewing class and say my goodbyes. They are so special to me.

My favorite part of being here has to be house visits. I have learned so much about generosity and hospitality through these people. I love that if they ask you if they can make you chai and you say no, they make it anyway.

I love that if your plate is empty, they will fill it and fill it and fill it again.
They give and they give.

Today I gave the new afternoon stitching class mirrors like I had with the other classes. They found out I was leaving tomorrow and insisted on running to get me presents also.

They came back and, before I knew it, I was decked out in a new necklace, earrings, bangles, anklets, and a wallet - despite my insistance that this was not necessary.

Man, I can't contain how blessed this made me.

I am so selfish sometimes. I want to become less selfish. Although I don't think this can be done by simply having the desire to do so. I think it comes naturally by truly having others' best interests in mind. Seems as though this is the point that one named Jesus told us a long time ago.

Here, life is about community, it is about the family. Even though many times there is tension in the home, they look out for one another.

Today we went to one lady's house from class. She is so loud and crazy unlike many of the other ladies. She is hilarious. We met her mother who has diabetes and we prayed for her. After praying for her, she was saying good bye to me and tears had filled her eyes as she found out I was going to America tomorrow.  She had been blessed. I also started crying, which caused all five of us girls to tear up.
I cried with a lady I had just met on my last day in India.

It is hard to leave when some harvest is seen but mostly seeds are planted. I leave trusting the Lord to water them. This is a very humbling feeling. He tells me my work is done here for now, but this will never be separate from my life back home.

It is another part of my life and has shaped me in the way He has desired. My fear would be feeling so so far away from these people. I refuse to forget my new friends.

I shared the story of Hosea with the women today and God's love for His people. It touched my heart just to tell it because I really need to believe it too. It's so challenging to apply to my own heart. I told them my purpose was to come to share this with them just as that was Hosea's purpose.

We turn away from God so many times, but He is always patiently waiting for us to return to Him because this is what we were made for. I'm so thankful for those who have shared their hearts with me and for all I see happening here.

I am at peace, but I come home with the desire for more. I longed to see God work here, and I have. Good thing that just because I am leaving it doesn't mean the work is over.

All in all, through this trip I know that, coming back, the Lord has more of my heart. I have learned so much about relying on Him, about grace, generosity, hope, and love.

Short Term Missionary - India

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