Radica is old enough to to be in the second grade, but she, like so many girls in India, does not attend school. However, this has not dampened her joyful spirit. Every day, she comes in with a smile, big personality, and and infectious laugh. Radica only knows about 5 words in English, and I only know a few more in Hindi. Neither of us has a clue as to what the other is saying, but that has stopped us from forming a bond.
When I started working with the children I was very frustrated by the language barrier. The fact that I could barely pronounce their names, much less speak fluent Hindi, weighed on me very much. However, God has shown me that, despite these boundaries, He is able to work through them. As humans on this earth, there are things we are simply not able to do. However, our Savior is able to work through us despite this. When I receive a hug, or tickle a child, or make a silly face at a student, I see that His love is indeed getting through to those I am ministering to. Moses was not the best public speaker, and yet God worked in amazing ways through him. No matter how inadequate we may feel, He will always be able to work through us.
SB - Goa Volunteer
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