India. This is my third time coming to India through this organization. It has been so amazing to see this organization grow and to be apart of what Rahab’s Rope is doing has been a privilege and such a blessing. I always come to India with a heart to pour into God’s people and every time I leave being poured into with a heart that is overjoyed by the time I had here. During my time in India God put it on my heart his love for us and how we can practically love on his people and what that looks like. Love is clearly defined in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. I want to love people in this way as God loves us. Every person and child I meet while in India loves us with no questions asked and with little knowledge of who we are. This is how we should love on each other every day and how God loves us. India teaches me how to love. God loved us before we knew him and while we were still sinners. God sent his one and only son to die on the cross for us. This boggles my mind every day and I am continually amazed by who God is and his love for us. I fall more in love with the people in India every time I come. The women and children teach me so much not only how to love but also their hospitality and willingness to give when they themselves have very little. Taking with me back home to the states would be giving more, showing more hospitality, and reaching out to my own community, and loving God’s people practically.
Suda is a little girl who I have seen the past three times I have come to India. She is twelve years old and has deformed arms and legs. When she was born she was able to walk and gradually over time all her limbs started to bend where she could not longer walk on her own. Her brother and friends help her get to school every day along with her mom bringing her to the program Samir holds at his house every afternoon. Shortly after I left over the summer she broke her hip bone causing her to be bed ridden and shortly after that she fell while riding the bus and her thigh bone broke. She can no longer go to school or attend the afternoon program but has to stay home and rest day and night. Her dad sees her as a burden and with every bone that breaks he drinks more. She is a beautiful little girl inside and out and every chance we got we would go visit her and she always had a smile in her face. Seeing her in that state breaks my heart, but also encourages my heart just to see her smile. She is never angry or upset by her circumstances, but filled with such a joy. She inspires me to smile in the face of trials and rejoice in all circumstances knowing God will get me through. I love her so much and I ask that you would keep her and her family in your prayers.
C- Goa Christmas Team

Thursday, January 31, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
First Impressions Aren't Everything
They say that first impressions are
everything. After living in India, I’m not so sure that’s the
case. My first impression was that it was dirty, had an odor more
potent than tear gas, and that all the citizens were ruthless,
dehumanizing people. All I ever heard about India in the states was
about their lack of compassion towards their own people, and of
course, about their notorious human trafficking trade. It didn’t
take me long to realize that the media was missing out on one big
thing: their love. Pure love.
In the months I've lived here during the
summer, and this quick week of return, my heart has been overwhelmed
by all the love I’ve received. These people aren’t ruthless
at all. They have shown me what it means to love unconditionally.
They took me as I was, and loved me for all that I was. They taught
me the meaning of ‘love your neighbor as yourself." And even in the
midst of their pain, they somehow still found a way to show me the
meaning of joy.
I often wondered why they treated me
the way they did. The poorest of poors would still serve me a
three course meal, knowing that their own family would probably not
eat tonight. They demonstrate the sacrificial giving that we see in
the gospels of the widow who gave her last two coins. But why? I’d
like to believe it was because of me but to be quite honest, I know
it wasn’t. There is nothing fantastic about my nature and to say
that would be quite narcissistic. One day as I sat in front of the
women for life skills I had asked them why they like us here. Her
simple response gave me the answer I’ve been searching for. She
told me “we like to hear your stories about your faith. We like
your God.” They love us because He lives in us. It wasn’t about
me or any individual person that came through the slums of India, but
about the way Christ shined in that person. Day in and day out,
believers are walking into the slums not because they think they can
change anything, but because we know Christ can. These beautiful
people showed me that India is worth far more than I could ever
J- Goa Christmas Team
J- Goa Christmas Team
Monday, January 14, 2013
English Lessons
Growing up in an English speaking nation, I never realized how difficult learning our language could be. Nor have I ever stopped to think how having multiple languages in one country could make an impact. India has numerous languages, but to be able to communicate with foreigners, a major source of
income for many Indian people, they must be able to speak English.
I spent Friday morning this week teaching English lessons to some ladies who spoke primarily Hindi, which, though it is India's main language, it is just one of the many languages spoken there. The ladies were so sweet and so eager to learn, that it really blessed me and reminded me how available knowledge is in the States, but how hungry people are in other cultures to
learn. Kids in the U.S. see school as something to be endured until adulthood, but these grown women wanted so badly to be taught our language.
English is a very difficult language to learn. I was reminded of just how many rules are irregular, and it is almost unfair to those who try to learn English later in life. Trying to teach the difference between "coming" and "going" was much more difficult that I ever imagined it might be. How do you explain such a subtle difference in connotation to someone who wouldn't think that it just "sounds right?" And how do you explain what a direct quote is to people who are having to work so hard to comprehend your every word? And yet that is exactly what we did. And through the grace of God, it seemed to work! We were able to draw pictures, act things out and give examples to help the ladies understand. The most rewarding part was when they began to get the sample sentences correct on the first try. And they just kept wanting to do more and more until our time was over.
I so often take for granted the education that is available all over the U.S. We don't even have to learn another language if we don't want to, but if we choose to do so, we can pick up a book on tape at the library and learn a new language just for fun. This is not the case in India, nor in most of the world outside the U.S. I am so blessed to have gotten to see the desire these ladies have to learn, and to have been a part of their learning. This experience has made me much more thankful for the education and opportunities I have had, because I now realize what a rarity that is in this world.
LB- Goa Volunteer
LB- Goa Volunteer
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Hands and Feet
A mission trip to India!
Where do I begin?
In the beginning:
The company my husband works for hires contractors from India and one of
the contractors and my husband became great friends. He was such a sweet guy. He became like family. Our kids called him Uncle John. He ate with us, we took him to his first
professional hockey and baseball game, we took him to church… While he was taking in our culture I began to
become very interested in his culture. I
found myself wanting to go to India. Not
too long after, we had a couple come to our Sunday School class that had just
moved back from India! That Christmas
our women’s ministry had a luncheon and the speaker was from a ministry called
Rahab’s Rope and they go to….. you guessed it… India! During this luncheon God moved in my
heart. After the speaker finished
speaking I looked around the table and I was the only one in tears. I was completely broken for these ladies in
India and wanted to go. I would love to
say I signed up right then and went, but it took a few years to get there. I know God’s timing is perfect and I can’t
imagine a better time. God worked out
every detail, every stumbling block, EVERYTHING! I had no anxieties about going. I couldn’t get there fast enough.
After a full 24 hours of travel, I had finally arrived in
I was there God showed me over and over again that we just need to be an
obedient, willing body and He will use us and He will be glorified! There were times that I wondered how we would
be received by the ladies and children we met that spoke a different language,
but it never mattered. They loved us and
we fell in love with them. Hugs, smiles,
laughter, joy, love, photography, food are all universal languages. It does not take a public speaker to reach
hearts and share God’s love. It takes us
being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ.
My prayer for the trip from the time I knew I was going was that we
would be the Hands and feet of Jesus.
If we are to truly become Jesus' hands and feet, we must
share His love for "the least of these." He touched lepers – we touched women and
children with HIV/Aids, He welcomed women and children – we did also, He dined
with criminals – we shared cookies and tea with women that have been sold into
a life of crime, He championed the poor – we gave gifts and encouraged the poor,
He defended the powerless – He gave the woman and children power through us. Jesus spent His time on earth with the hated
and the outcasts and claimed that He had come to "preach good news to the
poor." We spent our time in India
with society’s hated and outcast, but they are so loved by Him!!!
India is a physically, emotionally, and spiritually hard
place, but when God stretches us, He is with us. I live such a clean comfortable life in
America and I am often thinking of ways to make it cleaner and more comfortable
instead of thinking of ways to get out of my comfort and let God stretch me. We might not see immediate fruits from our
labor, but if God can take this slightly OCD, germaphobe to India then I know
He will take what we planted and grow something beautiful.
Challenge: How can
we be stretched? How can God use us in
our neighborhoods? How can we be the
hands and feet of Jesus to the people around us?
Everytime I hear this song I picture the precious children we met in India. I picture Jesus placing crowns on their heads.
S - Goa Christmas Team
S - Goa Christmas Team
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